Global Missions

Global Missions

St. Luke’s Outreach Ministry works on the local, national and international levels. The Ministry is financed by a certain percentage of the tithing for the year, and the Outreach committee decides on how to disperse the funds.

Our international ministries include schools in Africa, schools and hospitals in Jerusalem which include the employment and treatment of Palestinians, and a program for the deaf in Jordan. We also provide loans (mostly to women) in developing countries through the Kiva program.

At the national level, we support the Episcopal Relief and Development organization.

On the local level we give financial assistance to several organizations such as North Country Life Flight, the Saranac Lake Youth and Adult Centers and Saranac Lake Summer Youth Program.

As a member of the Ecumenical Council, St Luke’s Outreach supports Samaritan House, the homeless shelter in Saranac Lake, and the heating assistance program, of critical assistance to low income families when the temperature drops to 30 below zero.