Music at St. Lukes

Music at St. Lukes

Vocal Music

We continually seek to enhance the worship experience through a balanced repertoire of traditional hymns, music of the Masters, psalms, and songs of praise and renewal. St. Luke’s includes classic music from the Anglican tradition, and a blend of renewal and new-traditionalist sources. Anyone of any age is welcome to sing with us, regardless of experience.

The choir meets at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings, to sing at the 10 a.m. service.

The Duncan Pipe Organ

In 1994, St. Luke’s was blessed with the gift of a twenty-six rank pipe organ, originally designed by Martin Boehling (which originally began life at the Stuyvesant-Fish home in Manhattan). The organ was redesigned, augmented, and installed by parishioner Ranny Duncan and his family.

The organ contains 32 ranks of pipes with more than twenty voices, a completely enclosed swell chamber, and it is controlled by a three-manual and pedal board console. The organ’s wind is produced by a set of three high-speed blowers. In addition to the pipe gallery and console, it is managed by stop tabs and a ten-piston setterboard.

The organ is currently tuned and maintained by the A. Richard Strauss Organ Company of Ithaca, New York. In 2011 and 2012, the organ was redesigned by Mr. Strauss, including the relocation of several ranks of pipes, and a complete rebuild and addition in the Swell chamber.

The addition to the organ was made possible by a further generous donation from the Duncan family. 

Handbells, Instrumental, and Special Music

St. Luke’s believes that all music, properly presented, can be an offering to the Lord. To this end, St. Luke’s provides a range of opportunities for both musicians and non-musicians. One Sunday might feature a prominent local soloist at the anthem, a student musician from the local school, or a professional back in town studying music on a professional level. All types of music and all instruments are considered appropriate for praise and celebration at St. Luke’s.

Chime in

To contact St. Luke’s music department concerning either opportunities within the church or concert space, please email [change me]. We’re always happy to hear from new friends and new collaborators.