Our Project aims to care for God’s good earth, by creating nurturing and restorative habitats for pollinators. Through research, education, hard work, and prayer, we seek to make the grounds here at St. Luke’s a place of rest and restoration for all of God’s Creation.
We care for our earth, and for each other. It is our hope to show our genuine love for God, and for our neighbors through this exciting, new project.
Many of the areas on our campus could use some love and care. We will focus on planting native plants for pollinators, creating garden beds to host insects, and putting out sources of water.
We are hoping that soon these areas will be a beautiful spot for those passing by to stop, rest, and enjoy nature.
Do you have ideas for this project? Here’s how you can help:
- Share your knowledge of native plants for pollinators with us.
- Don’t know what’s native? Do some research and tell us what you learn!
- Donate plants- split what you have in your own yard, buy native pollinators and donate them, or make a donation.
- Donate bird, butterfly, bee, or toad baths. Water is an important resource for a pollinator garden.
- Donate bat, bee, or bird houses. If you’re handy with wood, make them yourself!
- Reach out to our neighbors and see if they would be interested in joining us.
- Connect with other pollinator groups for mutual support and to share resources.
- Plant native pollinator plants, water, and bedding for pollinators in your own yards!
Thank you for your help and care for pollinators. Together we can restore healthy environments for all of God’s creatures.