Sermons on The Gospel
Be Not Afraid
Easter Sermon Preached at St. Luke’s: 04/09/23 “Do not be afraid,” is terribly good advice; truly some of the best I’ve ever heard fromanyone, at any time. And yet, I’m afraid it’s far easier said than done, even when itcomes this morning from the lips of a faithful and true messenger of the One who iswholly Good and entirely Holy. Because according to our Gospel this…
Full Readings from April 3, 2023
The Collects, readings, psalms, and sermon of Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday.
Of A Double Mind
Preached at St. Luke’s: 04/02/23 The Apostle Paul rightly encourages us to be of a single mind – the same mind thatwas in Christ Jesus. And yet, the truth remains that we are of a double mind, and ifyou don’t believe me, just look at our liturgy this morning. So, which is it: PalmSunday or Passion Sunday? Are we acknowledging our Lord’s Triumphal Entry intothe Holy city…
Is The Lord Among Us
Preached at St. Luke’s: 03/12/23 “Is the LORD among us, or not?” That’s basically the question we’re left with aftertoday’s reading from Exodus. And at first glance, I think we need to empathize withthe Israelites. After all, they’re wandering without water in the desert, because that’swhere God has led them. Who wouldn’t question God’s purpose, or even…