Our Future

Our Future

Our Hopes and Dreams

  • To Increase Membership
  • To Expand Our Church School
  • To Improve Communication With Our Congregation and Community
  • To Strengthen Our Relevance To The Community
  • To Maintain and Creatively Use Our Extensive Facilities

Our congregation has a strong desire to grow its membership. We have substantial property in our church building, classrooms, and grounds with which to welcome and serve more people. Our current lay leaders are fully involved in the work of the church, and we are blessed with a faithful congregation.

We feel confident that we will remain strong and will grow. We are encouraged by the positivity of our congregation, our office administrator, the solid leadership of our Vestry, and Lay Leaders, and the knowledge that God is with us every day of our lives.

Putting our hopes and dreams into action we are engaged in improving communication with the entire congregation through email, church bulletins, our Facebook page, The Tidings (our monthly newsletter), Sunday morning announcements and St. Luke’s and the Diocesan websites.